Sunday, June 20, 2010

late blogs from Toby's game

Last Saturday (June 12), was the debut of my goliath barbarian, Irusk. For those who don't know what a goliath is, they are about 7'2"-7'8" (2.18m-2.34m) tall, and weigh between 280-340 lbs (127-154 kg). Their skin tends to be light brown to gray with markings of a darker color. Male goliaths are bald and female goliaths grow their hair long and braid it. Goliaths tend to live on top of the mountains (unlike dwarves who live inside mountains), and as a result they tend to be rather athletic, particularly when it comes to jumping.

The group as a whole hasn't changed; we still have Jam, the eladrin avenger, and Lynette's still playing a ranger (elf this time), and Scott's character is named Arbek, a dragonborn warlord (who grew up with dwarves).

We drove the cart we found in the previous session back to town, sold what we could and negotiated a deal with the mayor. He'd register the house as belonging to us, if we found out what was going on with a lighthouse nearby. After that we talked to Kate, who has been our primary employer, into keeping an eye on the cabin when we can't and to hire some people to take care of it for us.

On the way to the lighthouse we had a small encounter with an owlbear which we dispatched pretty easily. At the lighthouse we found a couple tents inhabited by orcs and ogres. Jam and the ranger stayed out of range while Arbek and Irusk walked up to the tents and opened up with some aggressive negotiations. The first battle went pretty well. The second, ehh, the dice gods temporarily left us. Irusk even came close to dieing, but the warlord used his martial skills to bring the barbarian back to fighting form.

Mostly we just found gold and a few gems. I think the only magic item we found was a Vicious Falchion (two-handed scimitar).

Next session: Into the lighthouse!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

New Characters, Same Story

I apologize for the lateness of the post. I'd think about posting to the blog, and then something would catch my eye and I'd forget. :P

Toby's game this past saturday (May 29) was very fun. We finished off the adventure, raiding the base of a rival shipping company that had been sending bad guys after us. We cleared out the warehouse, including the two tigers they'd been keeping locked up, and made it our new base of operations.

The session began with exploring more the base, we cleared out the entry hall and what was probably a dining hall in the previous session. The hallways were pretty narrow, which gave our fighter, Arbek, and our avenger, Jam, good choke points for the ranger, Ariana, and the invoker|cleric, Marc (my character). Ariana stood at the junction of the two hallways and shot at the bad guys, rolling a natural 20 three rounds in a row. Marc kind of got tired of standing off to the side and doing nothing, so he went around through the dining hall and found some guys coming from another room. I got their attention and brought them around to where we entered the hallway, heroically interposing myself between them and Ariana. Once all the bad guys were dead we searched the rooms; finding a set of armor for Ariana, a couple gems and quite a bit of gold (120 gp).

The next room we checked out was a library, once we killed the bad guys (a couple of them had halberds), we checked out what was in there. In retrospect, the characters with knowledge skills (History, Arcana, Nature, Religion, and Dungeoneering) probably could've made use of the books we sold (after the building was cleared), but Marc did find two rituals: Knock (unlocks doors) and Enchant Item (makes magic items).

The next room held a pair of tigers, which we left alone for now aside from leaving some bodies for them to eat. While we were moving bodies around, another group of bad guys sneaked up on us. While Arbek and Jam were dispatching that group of bandits, Marc moved around to the door on the other side of the dining hall, hoping to catch the bandits on two fronts. The thing about Marc is that he doesn't have a very high AC, so its not terribly hard for the bad guys to hit him. This can have interesting consequences when he breaks off to do his own thing (read as: come close to dieing). Fortunately he didn't die, but he didn't do much after that, which almost got Jam killed. For those who are keeping track, yes, Marc is not so good at healing. :P

Eventually all the bad guys were killed, including the two tigers who'd gotten out of their cages and were about to attack us. We found more gold and armor (mithral this time, which went to Arbek) and a Feyswarm Staff for Marc. In another room we found a potion of healing, some supplies, and the deed to the building. In a building behind the bandits' hideout, we found some horses and a wagon. We now had something to haul the supplies and books with! So, not only did we make a nice profit off the supplies and books, we now have a base from which to operate. Sweetness! :D

Once the adventure was over, we talked things over and decided to adjust the party a bit. Ariana's being adjusted to suit the player more (Toby made the character since Lynnette didn't know how to play the game or create characters, but now she knows a bit more). I'm going to play a Goliath Barbarian named Irusk. I don't know about the other players, though.

Overall, last Saturday's game was fun. I think mainly because we weren't just mowing through the guys in front and then resting. We were mowing the guys in front and then having to take out the guys behind us. Hopefully this Saturday's game (June 5; Scott's the DM, he played Arbek, the dwarf fighter) is also fun.

See you in about a week! :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A new DM and his first adventure

Yesterday (May 22) I went to the first game for a new DM. He's using a premade series of adventures, which is good because the first thing to do is to learn how to be a DM, running encounters and figuring out how to balance roleplaying and combat. So far he seems to be leaning towards the roleplaying aspect. I've never actually played these adventures, so it'll be an interesting experience.

My character is a Shifter Runepriest named Autumn. Shifters are kind of like werewolves or werecats, but they don't change with the moon or anything like that. They're just regular people who become more animal-like when they get hurt bad enough. Runepriests are divine leaders who use the power of runes to create their effects. They're basically front-line combatants.

The other characters in the party are a dragonborn fighter named Balisar, a human sorcerer named Onis, and an elf ranger named Manard. Balisar seems to be kind of 'I'm big, I've got a big hammer, and I know how to use it'. Onis seems to be a good guy, but he's a bit of a hothead, which manifests itself as sparks between his fingers and a cloudy sky. Not sure about Manard.

One of our jobs is to get back some dragon scales for a local armorer, but when we were trying to negotiate for the job, Onis didn't make a good impression on the dwarf. Onis wanted 3,000 to get the scales, the dwarf was only willing to part with 2,000. So now we have a powerful enemy who will likely want us dead if he finds his scales gone. The first encounter was pretty easy, killing kobolds. Unfortunately, Autumn almost died in the second half of the encounter, fortunately the quick efforts of Manard saved her from certain death. The second half of the encounter took place in a room with a few sarcophagi and traps in the floor. Balisar destroyed a makeshift altar to Tiamat, which exposed the location of several traps in the floor. Searching the sarcophagi revealed a magic longsword which went to Manard.

Overall a good start to the adventure. Much fun was had by all and next week is the game with Marc the deva. :)

Monday, May 03, 2010

New Blo... I mean, New Players

We have a new player on our team (or least, we did yesterday, hopefully she'll come back). Her name is Lynnette and she plays a human ranger named Ariana. Like the other ranger we had, she deals a lot of damage per round, which is always a good thing. The more damage that's dealt to the bad guys at one time, the faster the die and the less healing Marc has to dish out (which isn't much). Lynnette is new to roleplaying in general, so our DM made the ranger for her. Later on, once she's had a little more experience with the game, she'll remake it however she likes.

We had one encounter with about 20 minions (monsters with 1 hit point; just like a balloon, one prick and they're gone). Marc got to show off one of his area effect powers (he has two, but it didn't seem like a good time to use his 1/day power). It was pretty cool seeing all those minions drop at one time.

The last encounter of the session was interesting. I rolled a critical hit on my first attack, which dealt no damage. :P It lowered his defenses for a round, though, helping other players to hit him, which is always helpful. And then I got cocky, I made myself a target. My character isn't a tank (high armor class and a lot of hit points), he's not squishy like a wizard (low AC and a few HP), but it still doesn't take much to hit him. And if a few monsters concentrate their fire on him, he can get hurt pretty bad. Marc didn't go down, but it was a pretty close thing. After a couple rounds of being hit by slingstones, Marc activated the power on his cloak and teleported outside. Eventually our enemies were defeated and we barricaded the doors before settling down for the night.

At the end of the session, we were 20 experience points away from leveling up so the DM gave us the extra points (one first-level minion is 25 XP), raising us to level 4 (a new feat and one point to two ability scores on top of more HP and stuff).

I'll be starting a new campaign two weeks from this coming saturday (this saturday is the 8th, so the new campaign will start on the 22nd). No game on the 15th since our DM will be bowling in Las Vegas. Good luck, Toby!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

To PC or not PC?

Yesterday (4/17), it was just me and Arbek's player, so we each got to play two characters (our own and an NPC). We would've had a third, but she got stuck somewhere and couldn't make it. The guy who normally plays Jam was at work and never made it.

We killed some more lizardfolk (even though they actually more like bipedal alligators) in today's game and finished the dungeon in the process. The last encounter of the dungeon almost killed Marc and Arbek. Fortunately, the interns (NPCs) killed the remaining monsters and Marc and Arbek survived for another day. Its a good thing there's no health insurance in the game, otherwise we'd be giving up about 3/4 of loot to pay the premiums. :P

The magic items we found this time around were a healing potion, a magic shield of some kind (went to Arbek), and a magic cloak (for Marc, giving his amulet of protection to Arbek). We also found a piece of artwork.

The game ended today with us taking another job, following the scouty intern, and falling down a hole after going through a vine-covered entrance. What's at the bottom of the hole? Will the other players show up? Find out in two weeks!

Game note: There's a good chance I'll be playing in another campaign starting in three weeks or so. So far, my character idea is a brawling fighter (weapon in one hand with the other hand free to grab his opponents) who is a half-vampire. Sounds like a fun character, so stay tuned. :)

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Shrinking parties?

A/N: The site I normally post this blog on, no longer allows non-members to view the blogs, therefore, I'm going to post my blogs here (

In our last session (3/6/1010) (about a month ago 'cuz our DM had a bowling tournament two weeks ago when we would have played), we saw the passing of Lynus the Bard. :(

Yesterday's session saw the entrance of Marc the Deva Invoker/Cleric. Not a major damage dealer or healer, but he helped to keep the party alive and kill the bad guys, which is what matters. :)

Leviticus the Ranger wasn't feeling too good from the lizardfolk's poisons, so he got left behind when Vimak the Fighter showed up with Marc. (Jam's player told the DM that he'd be working, so Arbek's player took care of Jam).

We fought more lizardfolk and crocodiles, bringing Jam down to zero healing surges before stopping to rest. Note to self: never set a fire in the middle of a dungeon. We got surprised before we were completely rested after starting a fire. Naturally we slew the attackers, stacking their corpses in the doorway to prevent further surprises. After we were sufficiently rested, we moved on to the other rooms, finding a child's father we'd originally came for. Once we'd killed the lizardfolk, we tried to convince him that he'd be safer in the cell, but he didn't believe us, so we let him out. We still have a lot more lizardfolk to kill before we're done with this temple, though. :P

Bugs, lizards, and death

A/N: The site I normally post this blog on, no longer allows non-members to view the blogs, therefore, I'm going to post my blogs here (

At the start of the day's session, we learned that the warlock's player could no longer make it. In game, we figured it was because Ergo was too afraid of bugs. We gained another player named Dave who was playing an elf ranger named Leviticus (I think that's how he spelled his character's name, he's been watching a lot of Spartacus).

Leviticus kicked ass, 2/3 of his rolls were hits (mostly Twin Strikes) and tended to deal 10+. I know that's what strikers do, but the warlock wasn't hitting much (he did deal some good damage), so it was an interesting change.

Arbek got dragged off by a bigger bug, but his best mate (in character) Jam followed and saved him. Meanwhile, Lynus got attacked by a bug and almost died, but the ranger killed the bug and healed Lynus. Searching the cave of the last battle with the bugs yielded a magic harp for Lynus.

Our next mission was to pick up a new wagon for Kate (our employer), so we set out on foot the next morning. The day was almost done when Levit and Jam spotted a fire in the distance. Investigating it revealed a small group of lizardfolk (basically upright crocodiles) attacking a group of humans and their wagon.

Killed the lizards and saved a kid who's father had been dragged off. Searching the wagon garnered a magic axe for Arbek and the ranger spotted the tracks that would lead us to the father (we hoped). Following the tracks we came across a trio of crocodiles, one of whom latched onto Lynus and began dragging him off. Lynus escaped once, but the croc managed to get a hold of him again and eventually killed him. Arbek had charged after the croc to try and save Lynus, but to no avail. Maddened by his grief, the fighter slew the croc and charged back to the others to finish off the crocs.

The remaining members of the party looted the crocs and Lynus's body (revealing 3 gems from the crocs, 2 health potions, some woundstich powder, and the magic harp from Lynus) and continued onward to rescue the father. Following the tracks led to the outside of a temple, which was guarded by a big lizardman and a few more crocs.

Bughunt! XD

A/N: The site I normally post this blog on, no longer allows non-members to view the blogs, therefore, I'm going to post my blogs here (

Yesterday's (02/06/2010) adventure consisted of killing Giant Ants (where's the bug spray when you need it?) of various types (mostly minions) and praying to (and cursing) the dice gods.

As a show of their fickleness, Arbek hit quite often in the beginning, and then hit a pretty long streak of no hits. Saving throws were thrown fairly often (mostly of poisonous type), including death saves by Arbek, Ergo, and Lynus. Jam's temp hp saved his hide on numerous occasions, so the bard didn't have to (mostly rescuing the fighter's plate armor-covered ass). Ergo,the warlock, was having a heap o' trouble connecting with his eldritch blast (probably because shakin' in his boots from fear of the six-legged beasties).

We did find a fair bit o' gold and loot (including the woundstitch powder, a pair of bracers, a +1 greataxe of aftershock, and some +1 platearmor that gives 10+con mod temp hp) amongst the bug and dwarf carcasses.

And as a bonus for all our hard work, we leveled up! ^_^

NOTE: If you live in within a reasonable driving distance of Fontana, we could use a fifth member (preferably a controller).

Lynus the Bard

Author's Notes (A/N): The site I normally post this blog on, no longer allows non-members to view the blogs, therefore, I'm going to post my blogs here (

I started playing (Half-elf prescient bard named Lynus) in a table-top game today with tobyk (DM), his brother (Kenny: Elf Avenger of Pursuit named Jam), one of their friends (Scott: Dwarf Fighter named Arbek), and somebody else who was also new to the group (Adam: Eladrin Feylock named Ergo).

Some memorable moments:

Watching Arbek butcher a cow that some wolves had killed. We were then attacked by those wolves. When the wolves were dead, Lynus skinned the wolves, mutilating all but two of the skins in the process.

We got to our destination, dropped off our delivery and picked up some outgoing stuff and left the next morning. On our way out of the village, we were accosted by a man who demanded we pay 20g a person. Obviously we said no and the dwarf and Lynus told the guy to move. Obviously he said no and the fight was on. Between the two of them, Jam and Arbek slew the man who'd demanded some money. In the midst of kicking his butt, the guy called for reinforcements. When the guy died, I told his companions to get lost. A few did, but Arbek and Jam kept fighting the guys in front of them. Naturally, the bandits died.

Later on down the road we were accosted by a dozen more bandits (I think, tobyk would know the exact number). I tried to tell them we kicked the other bandits' butts, but they didn't listen. And since we were pretty well outnumbered, Jam got the caravan going again at high speed and got away, dealing some damage to the bandits in the process.

Once we got into town, Jam tried to argue with the lady who'd hired us to guard her caravan about a stay in a tavern in the other city. It didn't work. She still payed us 100g each for work we did and then we divided up the gold we'd found on the previous group (45g split four ways, 11g each plus 1g for the group pot).

In conclusion, I had fun and I'm pretty sure everybody else had fun. Thanks for a good game, tobyk. :)